Curriculum Intent
We believe children learn best when experiences are first-hand and linked to their interests.
We value play and the powerful opportunities it provides for children to build on previous learning in a meaningful and purposeful way. Children learn by leading their own play and by taking part in play which is led by adults.
Our curriculum is based on the EYFS Development Matters July 2021 version, as it offers a top-level view of how children develop and learn, it consists of everything we want children to experience, learn and be able to do, whilst providing a smooth transition for children as they continue their journey onto school and continue to build upon their prior knowledge and experiences from nursery.
Our curriculum focuses on depth in learning as it is important to give a child many opportunities to deepen their understanding and knowledge.
We provide opportunities for children to consolidate skills and make links in learning, whilst also promoting early language development.
Continuous provision encompasses a range of activities and different approaches to learning to meet the diverse learning styles that children have.
We foster and encourage independence to enable children to become future leaders.
We offer a play based provision where children can revisit, rehearse, and consolidate their learning.
We believe that play is a vehicle for learning, children can express themselves, develop and articulate their skills.
We offer spaces where children can play and explore with a balance of quality adult interactions and adult instructions in an environment that has been prepared to support development and learning.